2014-2015 Mattole Salmon Group spawner surveys have been underway since early November (2014) and are about to conclude for the season. Here is a recent update of this year’s spawner survey observations. This data is preliminary so please view it as such.
As of February 10th, MSG surveyors had observed 80 Chinook redds (salmon nests), 4 coho redds, 72 steelhead redds, and 19 additional redds which were unidentifiable to a species. As of the same date, we have surveyed 15 reaches, which is around 20% of the total sample frame.
Welcome to the new Mattole Salmon Group Website! We at the MSG are excited to launch our new website. We have worked hard with the amazing team at Earthsite to update our site and bring new features to our friends, colleagues, and community.
Check out Thomas Dunklin‘s amazing underwater video, “Time to Swim,” of adult Mattole Chinook in the lower Mattole.
Visit our online Resources Menu. You can now go to “Local Photos” to check out recent river photos and pictures of salmon and wildlife from the Mattole. You can also check local weather, streamflow, and more on our “Local Conditions” page (under Resources).